PEAT BRIQUETTES are an environmentally-friendly solid fuel of especially high-quality. Peat briquettes are widely used in all heating systems: boilers, grills and other systems using the solid fuel. Peat briquettes are a cheap and user-friendly fuel with long-burning characteristics that can be used with practically all types of burners.
Peat briquettes sold by us can be used for heating of individual houses as well as heating in various types of boiler-houses.
Peat briquettes are packed into bags of 500 kg (+/- 10 per cent).
Why should you use peat briquettes?
- It seems to be the cheapest fuel;
- Safe, do not spit or spark;
- Maintain warmth up to 24 h;
- These briquettes are safe to use;
- User-friendly;
- No extra time is necessary for fuel preparation (chopping, etc.);
- Peat ash is an environmentally-friendly fertilizer improving the content of soil;
- When heating your home with peat briquettes, you can save some time that is usually spent to clean the walls of solid fuel boilers.
Peat briquette parameters: see page Certificates.
Country of origin: BELARUS

Birchen briquettes are produced from the well-cleaned and dried birchen sawdust (cutting). This type of fuel is special in that its calorification properties are excellent. Birchen sawdust briquettes are particularly scorching, therefore, birchen sawdust is even not mixed with sawdust of other leafy or softwood, in order to have the maximum thermal efficiency.
Briquettes from birchen sawdust are scorching, long-burning and they almost do not leave any ash in comparison to other types of solid fuel. In heat properties, only oaken briquettes and sunflower shelling briquettes excel the birchen briquettes.
Birchen briquettes are packed in 10 kg bags, and one palette is formed from 96 bags. Birchen briquettes can be easily used for preparation of hot meal in grills and barbecue kettles. Such briquettes are most popular due to their price and thermal properties. Birchen briquettes can be used in all types of solid fuel boilers.
Another type of fuel produced from oak – oak-wood briquettes – excels in its specification any other type of fuel, including the birchen sawdust briquettes. Calorific value is noticeably higher: 6200 kcal/kg.

Coal burns easily at low temperatures and can be used in all types of solid fuel boilers. Coal can be mixed with straw briquettes or peat. Coal is a budget type of fuel and, for the meantime, the cheapest type of fossil fuel. Washed coal grades DOM and DPK are the most popular coal grades in Lithuania due to their low sulphur content and high calorific value.
Advantages of washed coal:
- low ash-content;
- do not slag;
- burns up to grey dust;
- coal is free of rock;
- burns completely even under poor pull conditions.
Unwashed coal grades DOM, DPK are also sold in Lithuania. The main difference in comparison to washed coal is that unwashed coal contains up to 4-5 per cent of impurities, its heat capacity is lower, and the ash-content is higher by 5-6 per cent.
It is one of the cleanest types of coal. It is mostly used in domestic burners for heating of houses, cottages, small establishments.
Coal parameters: see page Certificates.
Country of origin: RUSSIA
Coal is packed from wagonload into Big Bags from 0.5 kg to 1 ton.
We deliver goods with our own transport and unload.

Coal or wood?
If to have a look at prices of wood and coal, it could seem that wood is cheaper. However, after performance of minimum calculations, it was proved that wood was three times more expensive.
1. Wood is sold in cubic metres. Therefore, when comparing the prices of coal and wood, it is necessary to unify units of measure. The price of wood should be divided by its density factor showing the weight of one cubic metre of wood. For example, in order to get the price of 1 ton of wood, the price of one cubic metre of oak-wood should be divided by 0.45, or by 0.3 in case of fir or alder. Thus, if to compare prices of wood and coal for one ton (even without considering their calorific content), we can see that the price of wood increases almost by three times.
2. The burning heat (calorific content) should be considered. It is the content of energy (heat) emitted in burning of coal or wood. Wood is classified into three heat groups from 1500 kcal to 2500 kcal. Most heat is emitted by oak, birch, ash wood, somewhat less - by pine and black alder wood, and least heat is emitted by fir, linden and white alder wood. When considering the calorific content emitted by wood, the dampness of wood should also be taken into consideration. It is recommended to dry wood in a close, well aerated place for approx. two years.
In the meantime, the burning coal, depending on its grade, emits from 5000 kcal to 7000 kcal for one kg, i.e. more by approx. two to three times.